Have you ever thought about why we do the things we do? It’s really amazing to know the way we are, and the things we do. So here we have 15 Interesting Psychological Facts That Will Blow Your Mind.
Here are 15 amazing facts about our psychology that explains why things happen to us the way they do and also these facts justify our reactions to them.

2. Women having mostly male friends, stay in good mood more often.

3. Often smarter people tends to have less friends, the more smarter he gets the more selective he becomes.

4. When people speak about things that they are interested in, they look more attractive.

5. When you’re feeling stressed and anxious, hold the hands of your loved ones, you will start feeling relaxed and worry less.

6. Doing things that scares you, makes you feel happy.

7. The way we communicate affects our emotions and mood.

8. Listening to music with high frequency makes you feel calm, relaxed and happy.

9. People who speaks two languages unconsciously shift their personalities while communicating.

10. Any friendship that born in the period between 16 years and 28 years of age is more likely to last longer.

11. Greetings and wishes like good morning and good night even in text message, actives that part of your brain which is responsive for happiness.

12. Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by 70% and this marriage is expected to last for lifetime.

13. If you stay alone for a long time, your health gets as bad as smoking 15 cigarettes in a day.

14. Smarter person tends to thing faster, and his hand writing gets sloppier.

15. The way a person treats restaurant staff, shows his character.
So these are the 15 Interesting Psychological Facts
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